
75 members of State Council support HoR decision to amend constitutional declaration and assign a new PM, and 54 members consider it contrary to political agreement.

74 members of the Supreme Council of State confirmed, on Tuesday, that the decision of the HoR in its session held on February 10 regarding the amendment of twelfth Constitutional Declaration, and the appointment of a Prime Minister is an amendment to official understandings that were discussed and voted on in an official session in the State Council.

The 74 members called on their colleagues in the parliament to abide by the initial understandings agreed upon between the two councils, regarding the separation of tracks, stressing that the withdrawal of confidence from the government was in accordance with the constitutional declaration and the political agreement.

The members made it clear in their statement that the selection of a new prime minister coincided with the approval of the constitutional amendment in accordance with the understandings of the two Councils, and that Fathi Bashagha was the one who obtained the required number of State Council recommendations with more than 50 recommendations based on the mechanism agreed upon between the two Councils.

The statement indicated that the twelfth constitutional amendment was approved by the road map committees of the House of Representatives and the Supreme Council of the State in a final form before the House of Representatives voted on it, and the State Council must vote on the same wording agreed upon between the two committees.

The statement clarified that the proposed constitutional amendment contains guarantees that end the stage, and is not an extension, adding that going through the executive path was necessary until we reach the elections through an enforceable constitutional path.

On the other hand, 54 other members of the State Council said, in a separate statement, that what was voted on in the parliament session is an incomplete procedure until it is discussed and voted on by the State Council.

The statement added that the vote on the constitutional amendment by the deputies by the prescribed majority 50% + 1 is a violation of the political agreement, which provides for a two-thirds vote.

The statement of the 54 continued that the provisions of the twelfth constitutional amendment lack the guarantees required to end the transitional stages, and are considered an extension of another long-term transitional period, stressing that the withdrawal of confidence, even if it was an incorrect procedure because the State Council did not approve it by two-thirds of its members as in the political agreement, it does not includes the head of government; Because he was not assigned by Parliament

A number of members of the Supreme Council of State had denied signing the statements issued today by members of the Council regarding their support or rejection of what was approved by the House of Representatives regarding the amendment of the constitutional declaration and the appointment of Bashagha as prime minister.

Written by Journalist

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