
Al-Jehani: Parliament session in Tripoli is consultative, and we have no objection to the personalities who applied to head the new government.

Member of Parliament, Essam Al-Jehani, said on Sunday that today’s session in Tripoli is consultative, not official, and was attended by about 40 deputies.

In a statement to Arraed, Al-Jehani explained that the deputies who called for this session have a specific vision on the road map, on top of which is preparing the constitution as soon as possible and agreeing on it.

The member of Parliament added that some of his colleagues who attended the session believe that the establishment of a new government is considered parallel, bringing us back to square one, which is division.

Al-Jehani affirmed that the deputies present at the session today have no objection to the personalities who applied to head the new government, as all of them are, according to what he described as their “respected friends”.

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