
HoR decides to form a committee in consultation with the State Council, most of its members are experts, to submit a proposal to amend constitutional declaration.

Parliament spokesman Abdullah Bleihiq said on Tuesday that the parliament decided to form a committee in consultation with the State Council, provided that the majority of its members are experts and under specific conditions; To submit a proposal to amend the Constitutional Declaration, and refer it to the Council for voting and adoption as a draft constitution, and then refer it to the HNEC, to vote on it.

In a statement on the Parliament’s session, Blihaq said that the parliament also decided to work on reconsidering the heads of the regulatory bodies and their agents, and to demand the Parliament’s Finance Committee to refer the investment portfolios law as soon as possible.

The Council gave instructions to inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations to stop foreign interference in the Libyan affairs, and to request the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take the necessary measures; For ambassadors of foreign countries to respect Libyan law and diplomatic tradition, according to the Parliament’s statement.

Written by Journalist

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