
The Libyan Investment Authority denies withdrawing 15 billion euros from its accounts in Belgium.

On Wednesday, the Libyan Investment Authority denied the validity of news circulating about the withdrawal of 15 billion euros from its accounts in the “Euroclear” institution in Belgium.

The Authority added in a statement, that the amount is still in its accounts, and no one can withdraw any money from its accounts, as it has been frozen by Security Council resolutions since 2011.

The Authority indicated that part of the judicial procedures taken against the Authority and its head are due to the attempts of the Belgian Prince “Laurent” to implement the ruling issued in his favor against the Libyan Ministry of Agriculture from the Authority’s funds in Belgium, and its response to the request submitted by him.

The Authority confirmed its submission to the jurisdiction of Libya, and its commitment to implement all orders issued by the Libyan judicial authorities, which are following up on the judicial procedures taken against the Authority in Belgium, according to the statement.

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