
Electoral Commission: Other names may be excluded from the lists of candidates, and the final lists will be published after 13 days

In a statement to Arraed Thursday, the Director of the Media Office of the High Electoral Commission, Sami Al-Sharif, suggested excluding other candidates from the presidential elections, after the commission excluded 25 candidates on Wednesday.

Al-Sharif added that the excluded candidate has to go to the judiciary, and to challenge the reasons on which they were excluded, stressing that there is a special committee from the judiciary to which the Commission handed over the papers of the candidates who were excluded, and it is responsible for receiving the appeals.

Al-Sharif added that the final lists of candidates will be published 13 days from now, and in light of them, people who have been excluded may return after appeals.

Al-Sharif stressed that after the issuance of the final lists, everything ends and cannot be challenged, pointing out at the same time that the preparations for the electoral process are proceeding in an excellent manner, according to the stages set by the Commission.

It is worth noting that the High Elections Commission published on Wednesday the preliminary list of candidates for the presidential elections, as well as the list of excluded candidates, which included 25 candidates who do not meet the conditions to run for the presidential elections, headed by Saif Gaddafi.

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