
After his speech to the people of “Cyrenaica”, will Dbaiba succeed in reuniting his government?

The speech of Dbaiba and some of his ministers and officials in his government brought again for the people of Cyrenaica, the dispute between him and his deputy, Hussein al-Qatrani.

While some expected the end of the dispute or its settlement before Dbaiba’s speech yesterday, observers believe that what Dbaiba did will make it difficult to return things to normal and that the dispute will widen.

Dbaiba’s speech

In his first public conversation regarding the dispute between him and his deputy, the Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, Abdul Hamid Dbaiba, said that he respects the deputy prime minister and whether he disagrees or agrees with him, and this is normal, noting that the battle is mainly political, and the people of the East cannot be involved in this conflict.

During his meeting, Dbaiba touched on what the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior, Faraj Qaim, had done to close the airports in the eastern region, and that this was not within his competence, and he was surprised by his talk about the Ministry of Defense, in addition to the fact that the government had allocated 54 million to the municipality of Benghazi, in addition to one billion for Benghazi for the reconstruction of the city.

Last Friday, Dbaiba decided to form a government team that will visit Benghazi on an official internal work mission for a week, during which they will hold an interview with his deputy, Hussein Al-Qatrani, to discuss and investigate “the latter’s position on the government.”

government press conference

Some of the ministers, in the presence of Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbaiba, pointed out that the eastern region, have 11 ministers in the government, representing 40% of the government, and 13 undersecretaries of the ministries, representing 23%, and people of the eastern region occupy 24 leading positions besides Chairman of the General Authority for Communications.

The ministers stated that 43% of the ambassadors who were recently appointed were from Cyrenaica, in addition to that 30% of the education allocations went to the eastern region, and that it has 37% of the allocations for municipalities and 40% of the allocations of the Ministry of Interior.

deepening the dispute

Writer and political analyst Ali Abu Zaid believes in a statement to Arraed that Dbaiba’s talk would deepen the dispute and increase the state of escalation with his deputy after talked about representing the eastern region in the government, and that it is expected, according to Abu Zaid, that his deputy and those with him will protest about the limited powers granted by Dbaiba to his ministers and their undersecretaries.

Abu Zaid added that Dbaiba goes beyond the reality of the dispute between him and his deputy, as it is just a front for the dispute with Haftar, whose representatives were part of this government, considering that Al-Qatrani’s dispute with Dabaiba is part of Haftar’s pressure on Dbaiba and embarrassment to obtain more gains, Dbaiba avoided talking about Haftar which indicates that Dbaiba is eager to reach a settlement with Haftar.

It will not solve the crisis

For his part, journalist writer Abdul Aziz Al-Ghanai said in a statement to Arraed, that although the speech was emotional, it did not touch the hearts, according to Al-Ghanai, due to some of the Prime Minister’s actions and his ingenuine appearance instead of spontaneity, indicating that giving and reminders of that will not be a solution to the crisis. Because Dbaiba was the one who chose AL Qatrani and Qaim, expecting what he described as the storm to calm down easily. However, there is a real crisis that will end only with radical solutions, including hearing all the components of the three regions, and not just Cyrenaica.


As for the journalist and writer Musa Tehosai, he considered, in a statement to Arraed, that Dbaiba’s statements came as a response to the recent actions of his deputy, and that it would be a rich substance for a new, deeper dispute than the previous one, especially since there are parties in its favor to deepen such cracks.

Tehosai added that perhaps Dbaiba should have ignored the direct response to Al-Qatrani in order to avoid taking advantage of the situation to return the scene to the institutional division, expecting that there would be a reaction from Al-Qatrani and Faraj Qaim.

Al Qatrani accusations

On the 10th of October, Deputy Prime Minister Hussein al-Qatrani accused Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbaiba, through a statement, known as the representatives of Cyrenaica in the government, of not committing to implementing the terms of the political agreement, adding that the Prime Minister did not rise to the level of national responsibility, and fell into the path of administrative dictatorship.

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