
In the absence of the state … the “Pictures and Collectibles” exhibition of victims of Tarhuna graves succeeds in handing over the bodies to their families for burial.

Haftar’s al-Kani militia, after fleeing the city of Tarhuna last June, left a black spot of 30 mass graves in which more than 129 bodies of people who had been kidnapped by al-Kani were found, including children and women.

The concerned authorities had difficulty identifying the bodies for their decomposition, so the committee overseeing the opening of the mass graves in Tarhuna decided to find a way to help identify the victims and hand over their bodies to their families to be buried in their final resting place, so the idea was to create an exhibition of the victims’ photos and collectibles.

Exhibition content

During the exhibition, personal belongings buried with the victims were shown, such as clothes, shoes or some special signs of 27 bodies as a first stage of the exhibition.

According to the organizers of the exhibition, the main purpose of holding an exhibition of photos and collections of the bodies recovered from Tarhuna is to facilitate the identification of the victims by their families and relatives.

The number of bodies identified

In statements of the head of the Committee for Opening Mass Graves, Elias Al-Hamrouni, to Arraed, that the first stage of the exhibition was displaying collections and belonging of 27 bodies, and certainly there is a second stage after that about four weeks from now, after the process of preparations and washing of clothes and collectibles are completed, and the distinctive signs are taken The body, if there are any, and other equipment.

After a long period of waiting to identify the victims, during the exhibition, 8 bodies were identified, through visits of the families of the missing, In addition, there are 4 similar cases in terms of recognition, and their family and relatives will be contacted for confirmation.

Burial of those identified

During this exhibition, a number of the victims were identified through their clothes and personal belongings, the three daughters of the Harouda family who were kidnapped by the Al-Kani militia in 2019 were among the victims identified by their families, Fathi Saeed Abdel Qader and Masoud Ali Andish, in addition to the father of the child Walid Fathy.

On Friday, Mohamed Al-Tohami a guard at Al Jumhuriya Bank and Mahmoud Al-Asmar, a member of the municipal guard were buried, who were found in the cemeteries of the Alrabit project in Tarhuna, they were the last bodies identified in the exhibition by their relatives.

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