
Will what happened in Egypt be the fate of Al-Sarraj?

Political Islam, Egypt and the UAE’s excuse to militarize Libya

Paris Declaration did not see Egypt’s ally, Haftar, into power

It is no secret to anyone in Arab Spring countries, and the Libyan political scene that Egypt and the UAE’s project is to abort any democratic scheme in the region, and Haftar is an example of these countries agenda to establish a military regime in Libya.

Despite the clarity of this scheme and the exposure of the hoax used to pass it, claiming that they are targeting “political Islam” only for neutralizing all currents and other voices temporarily, to crush them all later like what happened in Egypt and occurring in the part controlled by the military in Libya. Nonetheless, they are aware of the fact that individuals and extremist ideologies do not reflect the political Islam mission, not in Libya nor anywhere else. For example, in Libya the Justice and Construction party is in an apparent disagreement with the rest of the Islamists, especially in regard to reconciliation and the civility of the state, but instead of welcoming such parties encouragement toward accord, they choose to put everyone under one label “political Islam” with all the charges; paving the way for tyranny, militarization

Egypt and the UAE are seeking to work on a political rapprochement between Haftar and Al-Sarraj by using the armed battalions in Tripoli, for a breakthrough that would reposition Haftar in the capital, according to Egyptian media reports.

Therefore, will the head of Government of National Accord (GNA), Faiz Al-Sarraj eat the bait in anticipation of the acceptance of Haftar to adhere to his civil authority, and sit down as he dreams of a unified Libya. If he did, he will not stand more than three months before finding himself ousted, or is Al-sarraj aware and is only maneuvering knowing that the chair cannot accommodate him nor Haftar and that is the truth.

It is difficult

Writer and journalist Ali Abu Zeid believes that the political declaration after the meeting in Paris did not please Egypt and does not agree with its plan to put Khalifa Haftar in power, trying to bloat its military solution in Derna perceiving it as “a clear victory.”

Abu Zeid said in a statement to ArraedLG that Egypt’s attempt to push the rapprochement between Al-Sarraj and Haftar “is very difficult” for many reasons. The most important of these is the Cairo meetings regarding the unification of the military establishment and these are not directly pursued by Al-Sarraj, in addition to the fact that the GNA head derives his legitimacy from the Skhirat agreement, which Haftarr does not recognize.

Al-Sarraj demands the unification of the government and the ending of parallel government in the east, which Haftar and Egypt “categorically reject”, says Abu Zeid, adding that it is still farfetched, indicating that Al-Sarraj can play a role in convincing the international community to push Haftar toward the political path.

GNA head against militarism

On the other hand, political analyst Mohammed Hengari said that the head of the Presidential Council (PC) of the Government of National Accord (GNA) Faiz Al-Sarraj through his positions proved to be against the militarization of the state, but failed to find supporting bodies.

Hengari told ArraedLG that Al-Sarraj previous foreign tours were to convince countries interested in the Libyan file and the United Nations to seek to complete the democratic file in Libya, pointing out that Al-Sarraj demanded during these tours to pressure Operation Dignity commander, Khalifa Haftar to accept the elections as a solution to the Libyan crisis.

“Haftar is a believer and is convinced that the military solution is the best answer for the Libyan problem, unlike Al-Sarraj, who succeeded in putting international pressure on Haftar to accept the democratic process,” Hangari said.

Exaggeration of “compromise’

Instead, political analyst Sonoussi Ismael said it is clear from the political behavior of Al-Sarraj that he is still seeking toward a scene where Haftar and Operation Dignity are under his authority, which is the reason behind his apparent exaggeration in compromise despite all the hesitation and rejection received from Haftar and House of Representatives (HOR) speaker, Agila Saleh and those circulating in their orbit .

Ismail, in a statement to ArraedLG saw the lack of correctness in Al-Seraj strategy because the reality proved that he is seeking something that cannot be achieved, because Haftar will not accept to be under Al-Sarraj civil authority.  The GNA head, which relishes international recognition and the support of more political and military forces in the West should promote his power And the establishment the state, achieve a degree of security and stability in the West, Centre and South, which are the largest territory affected by the political divide, as Ismail described.

Ismail added that the delay in the deployment of a commander to the southern military region so far without any valid reasons is hurting the GNA, because when the south, west and centre is under your control, the East will follow.

This will highlight Al-Sarraj as a convincing figure to all local and international parties, but “unfortunately he did not achieve anything,” and because there is no alternative venture in the near future, the opportunity remains open to the GNA.

Ismail said if he continues to wait and to over compromise without effect, he will inevitably lose his supporters.

Egyptian agenda

The Egyptian scheme of imposing the rule of military in Libya was proved by the National Forces Alliance party member, Ibrahim Qarrada, who said, if the situation remains the same in Libya, and there has been no sudden change politically, locally, or internationally on the ground, the “army” led by Haftar is moving toward his ultimate goal of uniting Libya and establishing a single government.

Qarrada pointed out, on his Facebook account that some of whom he described as players in the western and eastern region are preparing and ready to communicate with Operation Dignity Forces in order to “join them even if they did not declare or declared the opposite.”

In the opposite of Egypt’s attempts to militarize the Libyan state by using armed groups and then circumventing it and extinguishing it later with those who reject the militarization of the state, the international community supports the reconciliation project, holding presidential and parliamentary elections in addition to the refusal of some cities and military forces in the west of the country to militarize Libya  and the return of coups.

Written by Journalist

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