
Murzuq Operation Room: We have launched a security operation to prevent the smuggling of fuel and goods

On Friday, the joint security operations room for Murzuq announced that they will be preventing the exit of food supplies and fuel outside the Libyan border.

The commander of the operation room, Brigadier Abu Bakr Al-Darmoun, told Arraed LG that the chamber will proceed in the implementation of these procedures starting next Wednesday, noting that they will hand over smuggling trucks and confiscated goods to the relevant authorities in order to take legal action against them.

He explained that they took these steps after seeing inflation in the prices of food supplies and fuel in the Southern region due to goods being smuggled from the north of the Libyan border across the south.

It is noteworthy that the migrants and goods are being smuggled in the due to a lack of control over the border.

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