
A big welcome for the Security Council’s resolution calling for holding the elections on time.

The Security Council has threatened anyone who obstructs or undermines the political transition in Libya or threatens peace and stability in Libya by exposing them to travel ban and asset freeze measures, adding that the committee established by it previously for this purpose will classify individuals and entities that violate the arms embargo or obstruct the success of the political dialogue.

The Security Council, during its session, Friday, unanimously adopts a new resolution concerning Libya consisting of 22 paragraphs, during which it called on the relevant authorities and institutions, including Parliament, to take the measures stipulated in the Road Map, to facilitate the presidential and parliamentary elections on December 24.

These resolutions were widely welcomed locally and internationally to respect the Libyan legitimacy and implement the terms of the political agreement to hold the comprehensive presidential and parliamentary elections on the date set on the 24th of next December.

An American welcome

The American Embassy in Libya welcomes the resolution issued by the Security Council to support the political process in Libya and the threat to impose sanctions on those who target its security and stability, describing the resolution as “strong.”

French welcome

The French Embassy in Libya welcomed the Security Council’s adoption of Resolution 2570 regarding support for the Libyan government responsible for leading the elections scheduled for Libya on December 24, 2021.

The embassy confirmed, according to its Twitter account, that the Security Council resolution calls for the rapid withdrawal of foreign forces and mercenaries from Libya, and affirms the importance of transparent and fair management of resources.

On Saturday, Samira Al-Ezabi, spokesman for the Justice and Construction Party, welcomed UN Security Council Resolution 2570, which calls for the interim unity government to undertake the necessary preparatory work for holding comprehensive presidential and parliamentary elections on the date set on the 24th of next December, in accordance with the roadmap emanating from the Forum for Political Dialogue .

The Justice Party welcomes

Al-Ezabi said in an official statement that the resolution confirms the urgent entitlements that cannot be delayed, and that it needs the government to focus on the internal file, and to pave the way for all the conditions to hold the elections on time.

Al-Ezabi stressed the importance of all parties fulfilling their obligations set out in the agreement, calling on the House of Representatives to exercise its role regarding the election date and work with the Supreme Council of the State to complete the obligations related to the constitutional base and the election law before next July, and to agree on the occupants of the sovereign positions.

Al-Ezabi called the Forum for Political Dialogue to monitor the implementation of the agreement and to exercise its role as a guarantor for the continuation of the political process.

Dbaiba welcomes

The head of the national unity government, Abdul Hamid Dbaiba, declared his welcome for the Security Council resolutions in support of his government and the Presidential Council in their capacity as the legitimate authority in the country, stressing his government’s commitment to the tasks assigned to it, in accordance with the roadmap.

Dbaiba called, in an official statement, the international community for more support to expel mercenaries from the Libyan lands, welcoming the deployment of UN units to monitor the ceasefire in cooperation with the Joint Military Committee (5 + 5)

The state’s supreme welcomes

The Supreme Council of the State welcomed the Security Council’s resolution affirming the commitment of the international community to support the political process and hold elections next December.

The Supreme Council of the state, in a statement called on the House of Representatives to commit to working together to complete the necessary legal entitlements, to conduct the electoral process.

Presidential welcomes

The Presidential Council welcomed the UN Security Council’s resolution in support of the Council and the Government of National Unity as the two authorities entrusted with leading the country until elections are held next December.

The Council stressed – in an official statement – the need to respect and support the full implementation of the ceasefire agreement, the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries from Libya, and support the work of the 5 + 5 Joint Military Committee.

The Council urged the legislative authorities in the country to prepare all means to support the government’s work to hold the general elections on time, adopt a unified budget, and work to reach an agreement on the sovereign positions as outlined in the Road Map.

Written by abdal ali

Al-Swayeh: Security Council resolutions remain on paper unless pressure is put on the intervening countries in Libya.

Security Council: Banning the illegal export of oil until July 2022.