
Kidnapping, murder and extortion of Egyptian workers … a security vacuum in the areas controlled by Haftar’s militias.

The eastern region controlled by Khalifa Haftar continues to suffer from widespread insecurity, and the inability of the institutions and militias he has formed to control and stabilize the situation in those cities.

But this chaos that the Libyans have suffered during the past years and up to this moment has passed them over to reach foreign workers who entered the country; In order to earn a living, there has been a lot of recent killings, kidnappings and attacks on citizens and foreign workers.

Kidnapping and extortion

On January 23, unknown gunmen kidnapped 10 Egyptians in Tobruk, demanding ransom of more than 100,000 Egyptian pounds for each person, otherwise they would be killed.

The families of the kidnapped confirmed, according to the Egyptian website Al-Youm Al-Sabea, that the driver of the bus that transported the youths was the one who told them about the kidnapping inside the Libyan territories, and video clips of the families of the kidnapped who confirmed their suns were tortured and insulted by the kidnappers.

Killing and torture

In the same context, on January 16, a corpse was found, bearing signs of torture and beatings, belonging to an Egyptian youth who entered through the illegal immigration route to work in Libya.

The people of the “Al-Qara” area, east of Tobruk, identified the young man from his card, as it was found that he was named Adel Sami Ahmed Abdel Mohsen Saada from Umm Al-Rizq Al-Salam in the Sherbin district of the Dakahlia Governorate, and he was born in 1991, according to the Egyptian website “Bawabet Alwatan”.

A Libyan Red Crescent source confirmed to Al-Watan that finding the bodies of Egyptians with traces of torture being frequently repeated, indicating that the issue is usually linked to financial disputes between the illegal immigrant and the smuggler who brought into Libyan territory.

Lack of Security

The kidnapping and killing of foreigners and even Libyan citizens is no longer a strange thing in the areas controlled by Haftar, and the security chaos witnessed by most cities in the eastern region is no longer hidden from anyone, as Khalifa Haftar himself acknowledged it, on January 4, during his meeting with the head and members of the joint security chamber That he recently formed.

Haftar emphasized, according to the Benghazi Security Directorate’s Facebook page, the need to grant the security services all the powers; To prevent manifestations of illegal armament and crime.

In an indication of the chaos of the armed militias in the cities controlled by Haftar, he decided on the 4 of last November to form a security chamber for the city of Benghazi headed by Abdel-Razek Al-Nazouri to tighten control over the city of Benghazi, and to evacuate the occupied properties of military and security units and some individuals, whether private or public property.

Written by raed_admin

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