
After the US Congress approved the Libya Stability Support Act … the Alkani militia is blacklisted for human rights violators.

The United States of America announced, on Wednesday, the inclusion of the Al-Kani militia and its leader, Mohamed Al-Kani, on the blacklist of human rights violators, as a result of the mass grave crimes, the mysteries of which are still being revealed day after day.

The blacklisting of the Al-Kani militia comes weeks after the US Congress approved the Libya Stability Support Act, which deals with setting the political framework for the US State Department towards Libya, and calls for limiting international interference in Libya, especially Russian intervention and support for the democratic path.

Al Kani crimes

The crimes of the “Al kani militia” have reached the sky, and the pictures of the bodies that were exhumed from the mass graves in Tarhuna remain a witness to the ugliness of these crimes.

The head of the Management Council of the municipality of Tarhuna Mohamed Al-Kishar said: The number of bodies found in the mass graves left by the Al Kani militia in the city reached 116, of which only six were identified.

Al-Kisher added, in a statement to Arraed, that the number of families from which samples were taken regarding their missing exceeded 330 families, and that some families have 7 missing, pointing out that some of those whose bodies were identifie found with their personal possessions buried with them, such as car keys or identity papers.

Al-Kishar explained that the number of reports filed at Tarhuna Police Station on the crimes of killing by Al Kani Militia and reporting of the missing exceeded 3 thousand, expressing his regret that the Public Prosecution did not move until this moment, to take the necessary action.

The Stability Support Act affects Haftar and his militias

The Libya Stability Support Act contains several points that may include exclusively Haftar’s militias; Because of its cooperation with Russia and the Syrian regime, where the law will impose sanctions against anyone who cooperates, deals, supports, or finances the activities of the Russian “Wagner” group in Libya.

The law also stipulated special penalties against individuals belonging to Haftar’s militias; Because of their relations with the Syrian regime in bringing weapons and mercenaries, and sanctions against each party that proves its support, financing, or arming of militias and irregular armed groups in Libya, in addition to special sanctions against those involved in financial and economic crimes, including corruption, looting and sabotage of economic resources and capabilities, and oil and fuel smuggling, and special sanctions against those involved in violations of human rights in Libya.

According to this law, the president is personally obligated to implement the penalties and to provide lists with names of individuals and entities concerned with the penalties within 180 days of the issuance of the law.

Black list

The decision came within the framework of the “Magnitsky” Act, which allows the US government to prosecute human rights violators around the world, by freezing their assets and prohibiting US citizens from dealing with them commercially.

The law requires the US President to issue a report within 120 days of receiving the message, including a decision on imposing penalties on anyone considered responsible for serious violations such as torture, prolonged detention without trial, or extrajudicial killing of a person for exercising this right.

The International Magnitsky Act on Human Rights Accountability was passed with the approval of the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States, as was signed by former President Barack Obama, in 2012.

Russian obstruction

Russia prevented the International Sanctions Committee of the Security Council from issuing a decision to blacklist the “Al Kani” group and its leaders For human rights violations and war crimes.

Russia justified its prevention of issuing the resolution, saying that it wants to see more evidence of the killing of civilians by the “Al Kani” militia, while the United States and Germany proposed that the Libya Sanctions Committee, which includes 15 members of the Security Council, impose an asset freeze and a travel ban on the “Al Kani militia” and its leader. ” Mohamed Al-Kani ”.

Observers believe that adding the Al-Kani militia to the US black list comes as part of supporting the resolution approved by the US Congress to support stability in Libya, and what some consider a clear change in the US policy towards Libya after the US policy floundering towards the Libyan file during the rule of former US President Donald Trump.

Written by raed_admin

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