
Despite its tragic crimes … Russia refuses to include the “Alkani” militia in the international sanctions list

While the UN Security Council is trying to take steps to enhance stability in Libya, and to hold accountable and punish the perpetrators of crimes against humanity there, Russia is preventing the International Sanctions Committee of the Security Council from issuing a decision to blacklist the “Al kani” militia and its leaders, for human rights violations and war crimes.

Russia justified its prevention of issuing the resolution, saying that it wants to see more evidence of the killing of civilians by the “Al Kani” militia, while the United States and Germany proposed that the Libya Sanctions Committee, which includes 15 members of the Security Council, impose an asset freeze and a travel ban on the “Al Kani militia” and its leader. ” Mohamed Al Kani ”.

It is surprising – according to human rights activists – that Russia is not aware of the crimes of the “Al kani” militia, which appear every day through the discovery of mass graves and the bodies extracted from them in horrific scenes, which undoubtedly indicate the horror of their crimes.

The crimes of the “Al Kani militia” have reached the sky, through the images of the corpses that are being taken out from mass graves. Those militias kept burying innocent people they killed in cold blood, their only guilt was opposing their actions in the city that they kidnapped for many years.

Many citizens are still unaccounted for, because of the militias hiding them from their families, who are still demanding news about them, because those militias hid them without evidence and without informing their families of their fate.

This is what made the security authorities and the search teams for missing persons make efforts to investigate those who lost their families, and it is known that they disappeared in the city of Tarhuna, which was under the control of those militias.

Written by raed_admin

Russia impede a resolution to include the Al Kani militia in the list of human rights violations.

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