
To enhance diplomatic communication with the GNA … Moscow announces the reopening of its embassy in Tripoli.

Coinciding with the presence of the Speaker of the Parliament of Tobruk Aqila Saleh in the Russian capital; In an attempt to give himself an international impetus that he might find in Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced that his country will reopen its embassy in Tripoli soon, with the charge d’affaires based in Tunisia .

Russia, which has been trying to appear in the dress of the honest mediator in the Libyan crisis, has been unable to uncover its claws of the Wagner mercenaries supporting Haftar, which is the long hand of Moscow in Libya.

Preserving a line for a return

Member of the Supreme Council of the State Abdulrahman Alshater said that the statement comes within the attempts of countries that have supported and participated in the aggression against legitimacy to maintain a way back if things develop and a complete collapse of the Haftar project occurred.

Alshater added, in a statement to Arraed, that all the countries that participated in the invasion of Libya are beginning to take the necessary precautions so that they do not lose future communication with the legitimate government, and that all statements made express their concern for the safety of the Libyan citizens and reject foreign interference in the Libyan affairs, in which they participated in , for four years or more.

In order to play a political role

For his part, journalist and writer Abdullah Al-Kabeer considered Lavrov’s statement a step to restore channels of communication with the GNA to play a more effective political role in the Libyan crisis.

In a statement to Arraed, Al-Kabeer made it clear that opening the embassy may enhance Russia’s diplomatic presence and place it on the direct negotiating line with the reconciliation government without the Turkish mediator.

Al-Kabeer pointed out that Russia needs to legitimize its intervention, and if it is already betting on a sustainable military presence, we can put the reopening of the embassy in this direction.

Official role and excluding Haftar

For his part, journalist and writer Ali Abu Zayd believed that Moscow, by opening its embassy in Libya temporarily from Tunisia, wants to revitalize its diplomatic role in Libya, while continuing to support the camp of Haftar.

Abu Zayd added, that Lavrov’s reception of Aqeela Saleh contains a clear message that Moscow wants him to be the bridge through which Russian interests cross in the political process and through which it transforms its informal presence represented in Wagner into an official one, and it confirms that it is not dependent on Haftar, and at the same time It is trying to keep channels of communication open with the GNA by opening its embassy again.

Playing on two ropes

For his part, political analyst Ahmed Alrawyati said that, to date, Russia has been trying to play on the two ropes with pragmatism based on achieving the largest interests possible.

Alrawyati added in a statement to Arraed, that Russia denies its official presence with the rebellious Alkarama stream, and at the same time assists him in a hidden and undeclared way, on all levels, whether material or moral, and also deals and communicates with the legitimate authorities represented in the reconciliation authorities.

Alrawyati explained that this matter leaves it with a wide scope for maneuvering through which it can achieve the greatest interests at the lowest cost from both parties, and the announcement of opening its embassy and assigning a Chargé d’Affaires to Tripoli and at the same time welcoming Aqeela Saleh is evidence of this dangerous policy pursued in many International files to confront the pressures of the Western camp and achieve the greatest interests with the least damage, the most important of which is an attempt to rebuild a world power that restores it to return as another pole in the world.

And the Russian role remains, through facts and analyzes, a role that is clouded by suspicion and doubt through the reality in Libya, which proves with all the evidence the presence of the Russians in Libya through mercenaries and the continuous and unending support for the Haftar camp.

Written by raed_admin

Observers: Countries that support Haftar have already started to abandon him and choose Aqeela Saleh as an alternative.

Photography sessions and short videos. This is all that remains for Haftar after his defeat in the Western Region.