
Signs of the companies returning after the militias of Haftar were expelled from the entire western region.

After the economic reforms signed by the President in 2018, and the economic situation in the country improved, as the exchange rate of the dollar reached 3.88 dinars to one dollar, and the return of diplomatic missions to the capital with promises of companies to complete their projects in Libya, the most important of which are energy and electricity production companies, but the aggression of Haftar restored the situation to zero again, and exacerbated the economic crisis after the closure of oil fields, whose losses reached $ 6 billion.

After the expulsion of the Haftar militias from the western region, signs of a breakthrough began appearing on the horizon, as a high-ranking Turkish delegation visited Tripoli in the middle of this month, which included Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoglu, Finance Al-Bairaq, Director of Intelligence Hakan Fidan and Spokesman of the Presidency Ibrahim Qalan; To discuss political developments in the country, as well as the possibility of the return of Turkish companies; To resume work in Libya.

After the meeting ended, Turkish electric power companies announced to continue their work related to the construction of electric power plants in the areas controlled by the internationally recognized GNA.

The companies Turkish Electric Power “Galik” and “ANCA” announced the resumption of their work in Libya according to their previous contracts, which they agreed upon for several successive stages, after increasing security problems in the region, the most important of which is the Al-Khums electrical plant, as well as the Ubari steam station.

Communications Minister Milad Maatouq confirmed during his visit to Tripoli International Airport that there is work being done on returning companies to complete work at the airport during the next short period, pointing out that the return of companies will be after the completion of some arrangements within the site.

In turn, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi de Mayo said during his visit to Tripoli , on Wednesday, that Italian companies are ready to return to Libya and cooperate in the field of energy, stressing their assistance also in mine clearance operations, which were planted by Haftar militias south of the capital before they fled on the 5th of this month.

Written by raed_admin

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