
Italian official: The bombing of Tripoli is a provocative act, highlighting Haftar’s weakness.

Italian Deputy Foreign Minister Marina Sereni said Friday that the bombing near our embassy in Tripoli was an arrogant act and derived from weakness.

Sereni said in her remarks, reported by the Italian News Agency Aki, in response to the bombing of the Italian embassy in Tripoli on Thursday evening, that we said yesterday when Haftar was ahead, and we repeat today while he is facing difficulties, that there is no military solution to the conflict in Libya.

It is worth noting that the militia of Haftar targeted,Thursday, the area surrounding the embassies of Turkey and Italy, in Zawiat Dahmani area in Tripoli, which led to the death of 3 individuals, including two security members protecting the two embassies.

Written by raed_admin

European Parliamentarian condemns the continuous attacks by Haftar militias in Tripoli.

European official: The recent bombing of Tripoli was not random.