
Al-Warfalli wanted by the International Criminal Court … another card used by Haftar’s media to raise the morale of his supporters.

After every defeat for the militia of Haftar, the media supporting him tries to search for a justification or an alternative event to cope with the adversity of their losses.

After the crushing defeat in Gharyan and the fleeing of the commander of his forces, Abdulsalam Alhassi, Haftar’s media promoted a treachery that occurred to them, and the killing of the prisoners and the wounded in hospitals, all false news, in order to cover up his defeats, and what the army forces found from advanced weapons in Gharyan that proves the involvement of France and the Emirates with him.

Today, Hifter’s media presents the wanted criminal to the local and international justice, Mahmoud Al-Warfali, the first suspect in the disappearance of Serquiwa in the role of the savior of his besieged militias in Tarhuna, and also after they were crushed in Sabrata and Sorman

Hifter’s media presents Warfalli at the head of military convoys, to support his dispersed forces, which depend mainly on mercenaries.

Raising the morale

The writer and political analyst Ali Abuzayd says that Haftar’s media talk about Mahmoud al-Warfali as if he is the savior is an attempt to raise the morale of their militias in the axes.

Abuzayd added, in a statement to Arraed, that it is an attempt by al-Warfalli to fully use his tribal affiliation to implicate Bani Walid in the aggression, noting that this is the result of a great collapse and dislocation in their ranks and their transition from attack to defense.

False revival

For his part, journalist and Author Ibrahim Omar said that Haftar is waving the arm of his oppression, called Mahmoud Al-Warfalli, who is wanted for international criminal court, to provide his militias with what they see as a hero and savior.

Omar considered, in a statement to Arraed, that this is some hope given them in any desired victory they could not acheive, after using all kinds of weapons and mercenaries from all over the place and the unending support from the countries of the axis of evil and after more than a year of lying to them and pushing them to death.

Omar emphasized that this is the habit of Haftar and his media. He continues to distract his militia and his followers every time or with every setback or defeat he receives. For example, his multiple zero hours each time he puffed up his right arm for a new zero hour, so that he may revive the soul in them, and distract their attention.

Tribal grooming

For his part, the journalist and writer Abdullah Al-Kabeer said that this officer, whom they present as a brave and unparalleled hero, has never been seen fight like men in the battlefields. Rather, we have seen him dare with isolated prisoners bound by shackles like cowardly terrorists do.

Al-Kabeer confirmed in a statement to Arraed that it is an attempt by them to raise the morale of their collapsed forces, after a series of defeats, regression, and grooming of Bani Waleed, because Al-Warfalli Descends from there.

So will we see Al-Worfalli close in the grip of justice like the pilot Aljoqim who was arrested in Azawia, or do we see him killed like Mohsen Alkani and other leaders of the Haftar militias , or will he not dare to leave his cavern in Benghazi at all?

Written by raed_admin

The army forces launch an attack Haftar militias in the axes south of Tripoli.

A year after his failure to control Tripoli … the “Wagner” mercenaries supporting Haftar use internationally prohibited weapons.