
Haftar militias collapse and lose vast areas in a short time, what is the reason?

The military equation in Libya has begun to change before the eyes of all observers since the Libyan army leadership announced in late March the launch of “Peace Storm” operation in response to the continuous targeting of Haftar militias for residential neighborhoods in Tripoli, densely populated by civilians, after neutralizing Emirati aircraft marching in the sky of the western region.

The militia of Haftar began to collapse after the army strikes and lost a city after another, starting from Sabrata, Sorman, Al-Assa, Al-Ajilat and Riqdalin, all the way to the borders of the city of Tarhuna, in a rapid retreat and the loss of large areas that the militias were proud of their control over, so what caused this collapse?

Air control

In this regard, the writer and political analyst Abdullah Al-Kabeer believes that the Libyan Air Force’s control of the airspace is one of the most important factors for victory, as it cut supplies to Haftar militias in the vicinity of Tripoli.

In a statement to Arraed, Al-Kabeer stated that the continued clashes had drained pockets of Haftar in Tarhuna and the suburbs of Tripoli, as well as the collapse of the morale of his forces after losing cities and towns west of Tripoli.

Al-Kabeer emphasized that the collapse of the Haftar militia was not a matter of time because the Haftar gangs were tough in the fighting, but it cut off the supply by the GNA forces and the high fighting spirit of the GNA forces – which caused these successive victories.

Al-Kabeer concluded by saying that Haftar did not seem to have calculated the length of its supply lines from Al-Jufra and Benghazi to Tripoli, which indicates the weakness of its military capabilities. As soon as these lines were cut, the rapid collapse of its forces began.

The agreement with Turkey turned the scales

In a related context, political analyst Faraj Dardour stressed that the reason is due to the Haftar system and the absence of any political or development project , but rather a project to seize power with the support of defeated countries such as Egypt and the UAE.

In a statement to the Arraed, Dardour added that this forced the GNA to defend itself by signing an agreement with Turkey, the strong and weapon-producing country, which turned the balance with the support provided militarily.

Losing air cover l
The writer and political analyst Ali Abuzayd believes that what is happening is an exposure to the truth of Haftar’s forces, after losing the factor of superiority, which is the air cover that was neutralized thanks to Turkish support for the GNA forces.

AbuZayd warned that this state of collapse could be considered a start to undermine this project, which will have an impact on the political process, and I believe that the Presidential Council should prepare itself to lead a new political process from a point of strength.

And with the army reaching the outskirts of Tarhuna, is the imminent fall of the Haftar militias in the western region approaching?

Written by raed_admin

A shipment of medical equipment from China arrives in Tripoli.

In response to the killing of the children of the capital, The “Peace Storm” on the outskirts of Tarhuna.