
Kidnappings and tampering with public and private property … This is what Hifter militias did in Sirte.

More than two weeks have passed since the entry of Hifter militias into the city of Sirte were enough to uncover the actions and intentions of the alleged army who carried out kidnappings, looting, theft and destruction of public and private property.

Kidnappings and mass arrests:

Since the entry of Hifter into the city, arrest campaigns have begun to affect the residents, especially residents of District 1, whose homes have been burned and their property destroyed.

On the morning of the second day of the entry of Hifter to Sirte, the Libyan army spokesman, Colonel Pilot Mohamed Gnunu, confirmed that Hifter’s militias launched an arrest campaign, and arrested the participants in Albunyan Almarsous operation from the people of Sirte.

The Libyan Crime Watch Organization has documented the kidnapping of 20 civilians in the city of Sirte, including the mayor of the municipality, Mukhtar Al-Ma’dani since Hifter entered it, blaming them with full legal responsibility for all human rights violations occurring in the city.

Destruction landmarks of Albunyan Almarsous:

And because wherever Hifter’s militias went, burning and destruction occurred, these elements removed and destroyed the exhibition Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous, symbolizing an epic that destroyed the largest terrorist organization in North Africa.

The Hifter militias stormed the headquarters of the Danish “DCA” who remove mines and remnants of war and raise awareness of its dangers, which have been operating in the city of Sirte for years, and looted them and stole their devices and equipment.

Tampering with public property

Not only did they destroy the Al Bunyan Gallery, they went to the 3-storey Culture Authority building containing the Culture Office, the Cultural Salon, and Sirte FM Radio, and burned it completely after stealing its contents.

The Passports office Sirte Branch was subjected to a robbery of its headquarters by unknown persons who stole phones, equipment, computers and a fax machine.

The Hifter gangs, who wore military uniforms and called themselves the army, apparently forgot that the army’s duties are to maintain security and protect public and private property.

Written by raed_admin

Tunisia is awaiting the receipt of other batches from the children and widows of members of the Islamic State from Libya.

Refusing to grant peace to the Libyans … Hifter bows to the emirates that have not yet quenches her thirst from the blood of Libyans.