
Al-Tablaqi: Few members of the State Council declare to the media that they did not agree with the deputies, but this will not affect the PM.

MP, Aisha Al-Tabalqi, said in a statement to Arraed on Wednesday, that most of the parliament members agreed to change the government headed by “Fathi Bashagha” by virtue of the fact that he was the last candidate who complete his application papers, and it was approved.

Al-Tabalqi explained that a few members of the Supreme Council of State are now telling the media that they did not agree with the deputies, but this would not affect the prime minister. Al-Tabalqi indicated that “Bashagha” is still consulting with all parties in the east, west and south; to form his government.

Al-Tabalqi expressed her hope that Bashagha would form a mini-government that would unite the country and get it out of this crisis, not a government like the government of Dbaiba, “which did not succeed,” pointing out that they hoped for success for the next government.

It is worth noting that 75 members of the Supreme Council of State issued a statement supporting what was issued by the House of Representatives to amend the constitutional declaration and assign a new prime minister, while 54 other members issued a statement that they consider it to be in violation of the political agreement.

Written by Journalist

Al Urfi: Dispute between members of State Council is not important, and all of them will eventually support decision of the presidency of Council.

“Williams”, during her meeting with “Aqila”, praised the consensus between the House of Representatives and the State Council.