
European Union: Elections in Libya will produce a legitimate government.

The representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, said that the elections in Libya will produce a legitimate government, and without it, the situation in it will be a big question mark.

Borrell added, in press statements reported by the Russian “Sputnik” agency, that the European Union has sent technical missions, stressing their readiness to send a mission to monitor the upcoming elections scheduled for December 24.

Borrell called on both Russia and Turkey, for what he described as “exiting Libya as a way to resolve the crisis in the country,” adding that there is a lot of interference from external forces in Libya, and they must leave the country as part of solving the crisis.

It is worth noting that the European Union announced its intention to send a mission to monitor elections in Libya on December 24, during the meeting of the head of the EU mission to Libya with the head of the High Electoral Commission.

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