
The Algerian Chief of Staff discusses with “Al-Haddad” military and security cooperation between the two countries.

The Algerian Chief of Staff, Lieutenant-General Said Chanegriha, discussed with the Chief of Staff of the Libyan Army, Lieutenant-General Mohamed al-Haddad, in Algeria, military cooperation and security and regional files.

In a statement on Monday, the two parties stressed the need to coordinate efforts; To raise the security challenges emerging at the level of the southern shared border between the two countries.

Shangriha stressed the need to “accelerate the exit from the crisis that Libya is going through so that it can restore its role as a key player in restoring peace and stability in our shared regional and Mediterranean space.”

In a related context, Al-Haddad expressed the Libyan people’s gratitude for the tireless efforts made by Algeria to bring the Libyan parties closer together and unify the Libyan internal ranks.

It is worth noting that Algeria confirmed, on Monday, its readiness to support Libya in order to hold the parliamentary and presidential elections on their date on December 24.

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