
A statement by the embassies of five Western countries: We will punish those who obstruct the elections in Libya.

In a statement, the embassies of the United States, France, Germany, Britain and Italy affirmed the punishment of individuals and entities that impede the success of the political transition process and threaten security in Libya by travel bans and freezing financial assets.

The joint statement stressed the need to hold elections in the manner specified in the road map, and that holding them is a fundamental plan towards greater stability and unification of Libya.

The statement called on Libyan leaders to respect the electoral process and accept the election results by everyone, urging government institutions to protect the integrity of the elections.

The statement praised Tripoli’s hosting of the “Supporting Libya’s Stability” conference, noting that the conference allowed the world to recognize Libya’s great potential if it continued its positive path towards the presidential elections on December 24.

The embassies renewed their rejection of foreign interference in Libya and the destabilization practiced by mercenaries and foreign forces.

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