
Washington Times: Al-Kabeer established networks to exploit the black market to achieve illegal profits.

In the midst of talk about the elections in Libya and the obstacles that may stand in the way of holding them on time, a report by the Washington Times highlights another file that may in turn hinder stability in the country, which it described as “the rampant fraud in the Central Bank,” calling at the same time US President Joe Biden, To take a more effective policy towards the situation in Libya

stinging attack

The Washington Times launched a scathing attack on Al-Siddiq Al-Kabeer, the governor of the Central Bank, accusing him of controlling large amounts of revenue and creating a network to exploit the black market to achieve illegal profits, as he and his associates direct money to the militias, which are causing unrest in the country, and the report confirms that the elected government can reform the Central Bank of Libya and, if necessary, install a new governor for it

Violations in Millions

In its attack on Al-Kabeer, The Times recalled what was issued by Global Witness International that there are violations in the credits granted by the Central Bank, where millions of dollars are transferred from – public funds to finance militias – and that there is rampant fraud in the Central Bank of Libya.

In its report, The Times considered corruption within the Libyan financial system and political infighting as impediments to Libya’s path toward a more stable and secure future, noting that elections are the best way to ensure proper accountability and much-needed reform policies in Libya.

The House of Representatives and the Supreme State Council were unable to agree on a new central bank governor, despite their agreement on a mechanism for distributing sovereign positions in the Moroccan city of Bozniqa last January, on top of which is the position of governor.

In this regard, many attempts by Parliament since 2014 to dismiss Al Siddiq Al-Kabeer and appoint a replacement for him have failed, despite the expiry of his legal term after his appointment by the President of the National Transitional Council in 2011.

Libya is a national security for America

Regarding the course of the elections, the newspaper considered that it is in the national security interest of the United States, and its allies on the Mediterranean, for Libya to advance intelligently towards producing an honest and effective government that can provide better security, economic growth and political stability.

Message to Biden

The newspaper added that the Biden administration should devote more of its attention and mobilize its European partners to lead a coordinated policy on Libya for the purpose of bringing the country to this elected government, noting that the Obama administration and its allies have failed to assist Libya with an effective and timely reconstruction plan, which would have achieved stability in the country and chart a fruitful economic and political future

While the House of Representatives approved the legislative and presidential elections laws; The possibility of failure to hold the elections and holding them on their scheduled date next December is still possible, in light of the calls of many political parties for more consensus in preparing these laws.

Written by Journalist

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