
“Ghribeil”: There is no specific number of mercenaries in light of their spread in the east and south, and we are studying guarantees to ensure that they do not return after their exit from Libya.

Member of the Military Committee 5 + 5 Major General “Fituri Ghribeil” said that there is difficulty in estimating the number of mercenaries in the country, especially in light of the spread of elements in the east and south, and the entry and exit of some of them from the southern border, which is witnessing some security fragility.

Ghribeil added, in statements to the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, that there are plans that are being studied after the withdrawal of the mercenaries to develop high-security plans to ensure that these elements do not infiltrate the neighboring countries of Libya during the deportation process, which may contribute to fueling some conflicts close to the country, and therefore surprising us by their return to us again.

Ghribeil stressed that each country will ensure the transfer of its personnel, with the help of the UN mission, and the Military Committee not opposing to contribute to this; As long as this will lead to their expulsion from the country, he said.

The Major General indicated that the talk about the plan to deport mercenaries in conjunction with the US Congress Act to Support Stability in Libya is a clear message that sanctions will be ready to confront the obstructionists.

It is worth noting that the United Nations Support Mission in Libya announced, in October 2020, that the Libyan parties, under the auspices of the United Nations, reached a ceasefire and began withdrawing mercenaries from Libya, according to the meetings of the 5 + 5 Military Committee.

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