
Al-Ablaq: More than 40 deputies reject the accusation of the Russian Foreign Ministry of bringing in mercenaries.

Member of Parliament Ammar al-Ablaq said that more than 40 deputies from the parliament will issue a statement condemning the statements of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who accused the parliament of bringing mercenaries to the country.

Al-Ablaq added, in statements to Arraed, that this matter was not discussed in any of the council’s sessions, and the issue of seeking international intervention was not discussed.

It is worth noting that the Russian Foreign Minister, “Sergei Lavrov,” confirmed at a press conference in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly the involvement of the House of Representatives and Haftar in bringing in militants from abroad and paying them.

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Members of Parliament denounce Lavrov’s statements and demand foreign forces to leave the country immediately.