
Reuters: 742 corpses of ISIS fighters have been rotting in refrigerators since 2016.

Reuters reported that 742 corpses of ISIS fighters began to rot in “food freezers southeast of Misurata”, while no agreement was reached on how to bury them or the place of burial.

“Reuters” added in a report, Friday, that the bodies had been there since 2016, during the war to liberate Sirte by “Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous” from ISIS, the bodies have begun to decompose; After the power supply to the refrigerated containers was cut off due to power cuts for long periods, the smell of decay emanated from them and weeds grew between the containers, according to the agency.

Reuters said that the Libyan government had allocated a budget for her burial, but the date of the burial had not been announced yet

According to the police unit that protects the place, the purpose of collecting the bodies was to identify them and bury them appropriately, but even those who were identified were left until the government decided to bury them, according to the agency.

It is worth noting that Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous forces fought a war against the terrorist organization in the city of Sirte in 2016, and managed to control the city after months of battles.

Written by Journalist

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