
Al-Qatrani praises Turkey’s stance on the Libyan file and invites its ambassador to visit the eastern region.

The Turkish ambassador to Tripoli, Kanaan Yilmaz, stressed the need to work; To reactivate the diplomatic and consular representation in the city of Benghazi in the short term by organizing an official visit to the consulate, making the necessary arrangements for this, and the return of commercial trade between the ports and airports of eastern Libya and Turkey.

During a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Hussein al-Qatrani in Tripoli on Tuesday, Yilmaz stressed Turkey’s keenness to support the efforts of the political track by listening to all points of view from all political parties.

In turn, Al-Qatrani called on the Turkish ambassador to visit the eastern region in the next few days, praising the steps taken by the Turkish leadership towards the Libyan file at the present time, by listening to all the actors in Libya; For the purpose of contributing to support stability.

Al-Qatrani stressed the need to strengthen joint cooperation between the two countries at all levels, in the interest of the Libyan and Turkish people.

It is reported that Turkey closed its consulate in Benghazi in 2014; Because of the security tensions in the city; After Khalifa Haftar militias launched a military operation to control the country.

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