
Another arrest of a government minister… What is the future of the Dbaiba government?

Since the countdown to the national unity government headed by Abdul Hamid Dbaiba began, corruption, looting and unjustified spending began to surface.

The Dbaiba government, which was the product of the political dialogue forum, included 35 ministers from all cities and regions of Libya, but a number of government ministers and members were marred from the beginning by question marks??

Vacant posts

Since the government took office last March, the Ministry of Defense portfolio has been the subject of much controversy over who will take the position.

This matter caused summons for Dbaiba and great pressure, as the President of the Presidential Council summoned him to ask for a name for it, but Dbaiba refused and decided to keep it for himself alone, so that it has remained vacant to this day.


Last October, a dispute erupted between Prime Minister Dbaiba and his first deputy, Hussein al-Qatrani on several issues, including that the government did not unify institutions or the equitable distribution of wealth within the “Return of Life” program. .

Al-Qatrani was supported in decision by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior, Faraj Qaaim, saying that Dbaiba was not acting as the head of a government called National Unity and that he was conducting electoral propaganda at the expense of the Libyans and their money.

Al-Qatrani and Qaaim accused Abdul Hamid Dbaiba of manipulating power after withdrawing many powers from some ministers, Undersecretaries and heads of institutions, as they said.

Precautionar detention

For the first time in the history of the Libyan governments, the printing of the textbook is delayed and the school year begins despite the availability of the budget and depositing it in the account of the Ministry, which caused great disapproval from parents, the teachers’ union, and public opinion,

This resulted in a decision by the Public Prosecutor on December 20 to suspend from work and imprison Minister of Education Musa al-Maqraif, due to the delay in printing the textbook, Dbaiba and other members of his government did not say anything about that.

Corruption cases

The charges included contracting to carry out maintenance work for the “Dar al-Kitab” and the Publishing House, the meeting hall in the ministry and the traffic roundabout, obtaining benefits in violation of the laws and regulations that surround public money and spending it in a manner other than its intended purpose, and forging official documents; For the purpose of complicating procedures.

The education incident was repeated in the Ministry of Culture, where the Public Prosecutor’s Office issued an order to pre-trial detention of its Minister, Mabrouka Toghi, pending cases brought against her after reports submitted by the Ministry’s employees on corruption charges.

Al-Sayeh: The two infected with “Omicron” are from Tripoli, and we are working to follow up people they came in contact with.

The Public Prosecutor orders the imprisonment of an “instigator” of the electricity workers’ strike and a bank employee who embezzled more than 1.5 million dinars.