
Al-Sole: We will discuss the Commission’s proposal and take the appropriate decision on the date of the elections.

Member of Parliament Ali al-Sole said, on Sunday, that the Parliament will discuss in tomorrow’s session the Commission’s proposal to set January 24 as a new date for the elections procedures, and then the House will take the appropriate decision regarding it.

Al-Sole added, in a statement to Arraed, that the session will discuss the reports of the Parliamentary Committee formed to follow up the electoral process, the High Elections Commission, the Ministry of Interior and the Intelligence Service on the electoral process.

The deputy expected that the attendance would reach a quorum of more than 120 deputies.

It is worth noting that the High Electoral Commission announced on December 22 the postponement of the presidential elections, due to what it called “force majeure,” proposing next January 24 as a new date for holding them in coordination with the House of Representatives.

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