
Reactions rejecting the statement of the British embassy and calls for the expulsion of the ambassador.

The British embassy’s statement about its support for the “Dbaiba” government and its failure to recognize any new government sparked rejection and denouncing reactions from several segments of society, considering it an interference in the internal Libyan affairs.

The embassy’s statement comes three days before the parliament session regarding the postponement of the elections, as well as discussing the proposal of a new government to manage the next transitional phase, especially after the failure to hold the elections on December 24.

Benefiting from corruption

Member of Parliament Jibril Auhaida said in a statement to Arraed that Britain is benefiting in one way or another from the corruption of Libyan institutions, including the “Dbaiba government” and does not want to change it.

Auhaida stressed that they do not allow any foreign interference in the Libyan decision and will, adding that, “Britain is the last one who has the right to interfere in Libyan affairs, after it was proven that its former ambassador held the position of advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya with a huge salary that no Libyan receives.”

blatant interference

The Fezzan Municipal Councils strongly condemned the statements of the British Ambassador, “Caroline Hurndall”, considering them a blatant interference in the internal affairs of Libya.

In a statement, the councils called on the Libyan authorities to expel the ambassador immediately, calling on all national forces in all parts of the country; To stand united against all attempts to undermine national sovereignty and foreign interference, according to the statement.

linked interests

For his part, Member of Parliament Abdul-Wahab Zuliya said in a statement to Arraed that these statements interfere in Libyan affairs in a blatant and illogical manner, and confirms that they have interests linked to people.

Zuliya added that this matter exacerbates the differences, affects the political scene and disrupts or seeks to delay the political settlement, and that these statements do not constitute a real value, unless they represent the opinions and ideas of most Libyans.

Refusal for continuation of corruption

Presidential candidate Fathi Bashagha said that he will boycott the British embassy and will not communicate with it against the background of the ambassador’s statements.

And Bashagha continued, in a video, saying: “We want to hold the British government accountable for their defense of this government, while at the same time it imposes standards to combat corruption in their country.”

Bashagha stressed that they cannot turn a blind eye to the widespread corruption in the government, which will lead Libya to bankruptcy.

The British Embassy’s statement was preceded by a joint quinquennial statement that included Britain, France, Germany, Italy and the United States of America, in which it called on candidates who occupy positions in state institutions to leave these positions so there is no conflict of interests.

In their statement, the countries called on the current Libyan authorities to respect the aspirations of the Libyan people to hold immediate elections by setting the polling date, and to issue the final list of presidential candidates without any delay.

Written by Journalist

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