
Fezzan municipalities reject the statements of the British embassy and demand the expulsion of the ambassador.

The Fezzan Municipalities Councils strongly condemned the statements of the British Ambassador, “Caroline Hurndall”, considering them as a blatant interference in the internal affairs of Libya.

The Council demanded – in a statement – on Saturday, the Libyan authorities to expel the ambassador immediately, calling on all national forces in all parts of the country; To stand united against all attempts to undermine national sovereignty and foreign interference.

The Fezzan Councils affirmed their full adherence to the necessity of holding presidential and parliamentary elections as soon as possible. Responding to the aspirations of the people and respecting their will.

It is worth noting that the British Embassy in Libya announced, on Friday, in an official statement, that it recognized only the Government of National Unity as an authority tasked with leading Libya for elections, and that it did not support the establishment of parallel governments or institutions.

Written by Journalist

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