
Al-Sayeh: Parliament is responsible for announcing postponement of elections, and there is no technical problem in holding them on time.

The head of the High National Elections Commission, Imad al-Sayeh, said on Sunday that the commission does not have any technical problem in holding the elections on time.

Al-Sayeh added, in a statement to Anadolu Agency, that if the elections are postponed, the parliament is the one who announces this, not the commission, noting that the commission is not within its competence to announce the postponement.

Al-Sayeh continued, “The one who issued the starting order is the one who issues the suspension order, and they are the ones who decides the polling day, let alone the decision to postpone!”

It is worth noting that the Elections Follow-up Committee formed by the House of Representatives confirmed, in a statement on Saturday, that the Electoral Commission is responsible to the Libyans for declaring the possibility of meeting the specified electoral date or not.

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The Qatari Embassy in Libya celebrates the National Day of its country.

Al-Tabalqi: Announcing the postponement of the elections is a technical matter for the Commission.