
Electoral Commission: More than 2,300 voter cards were stolen in an attack on 5 polling stations.

The head of the main operations room of the High Electoral Commission, Saeed Al-Qasbi, announced Thursday that 2,312 electoral cards were stolen and 69 other cards were destroyed from 5 polling stations in the Aziziyah and Tripoli regions, after they were subjected to armed robbery by people in civilian clothes.

Al-Qasbi explained, according to the official website of the commission, that the electoral centers that were attacked are Al-Saadawi Nasr Center, number 15006, Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed, number 15036, Yarmouk, number 15010, Bashir Soula, number 15030, and Rajab Al-Naib in Tripoli, number 14114.

Al-Qasbi added that, immediately, the heads of the centers closed them and brought the materials to the office of the electoral center, where the process of counting and auditing took place, after which the number of cards that had been stolen in all the centers where these violations occurred was known.

Al-Qasbi went on to say that one of the center called “Rajab Al Naib” of the Electoral Management Office in Tripoli was attacked, after which an employee was kidnapped, who was released today, and a number of voter cards were stolen, and the auditing process is still underway to determine the number of cards stolen from them.

It is worth noting that the Electoral Commission closed on Wednesday the centers for handing over the electoral cards after the official extended period of the receipt of the cards expired.

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