
Middle East Monitor: The Conference to Support Stability in Libya is all talk and little substance.

The British “Middle East Monitor” website said that the outcomes of the “Supporting Stability in Libya” conference, which was held in Tripoli on October 21, are just talk, and devoid of content, and that Libya’s stability now depends largely on the December elections.

The website added, in its report, that the press release issued by the conference secretariat lacked specific commitments from the participating countries to help Libya stabilize in any specific way. He continued, “The conference ended with verbal support more than anything with real content. Moreover, not all participating countries showed much enthusiasm to commit to anything specific, and this was reflected by the low level of participation of the main countries in the Libyan issue, such as Turkey, Russia and the United States, which They all sent representatives below the ministerial level.”

The report stated that “if the conference aimed to mobilize support for Libya’s presidential and parliamentary elections scheduled for December 24, it failed in any practical sense. Almost all the countries involved in the Libyan conflict have repeatedly expressed their support for the upcoming elections, and there is no point in repeating them again in Tripoli. The main local political factions and parties also pledged to participate in the elections.

Pointing out that the biggest failure of all is that those present in Tripoli did not put forward, in any way, any mechanisms to support and implement relevant United Nations resolutions, especially Resolution 2510, to compel all foreign forces and fighters to leave Libya, since the resolution was adopted in February 2020, No foreign forces or fighters have left Libya.

The report indicated that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Najla Al-Manqoush, revealed plans to hold a similar conference in Benghazi, provided that a third conference would be held in Sabha, and did not clarify what such meetings, if any, would achieve, or what would be discussed, at the same time, France is preparing to host Another conference next month, not much has been said about that.

Almost all the countries involved in the Libyan conflict have repeatedly expressed their support for the upcoming elections, and there is no point in repeating that again in Tripoli.

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