
During the inauguration ceremony of the Democratic Party … Suwan calls on Libyans to join political parties as they are the core of democracy.

On Saturday, in a large gathering in one of the halls in Tripoli, the Democratic Party was inaugurated in the presence of a number of public figures, former ministers and deputies. At the same ceremony, the official logo of the party was revealed and an award was presented to the owner of the winning design.

In his speech during the opening ceremony, one of the founders of the party, Mohammed Suwan, considered the core of democracy for the parties to advance their projects, because it is a human association that brings Libyans together from all regions, in addition to a weakness in the party structure in Libya, and the parties have not taken over the leadership of the country since 2012.

Suwan added that if the Libyans want to build a state, they must reassure all political parties, pointing out that national reconciliation is a very beautiful slogan, and everyone talks about it, but nothing has been achieved from it due to the absence of mechanisms and the absence of the state, and the role of councils and dignitaries does not go beyond the role of extinguishing fires. reconciliation needs a state that monopolizes arms and force, and activating the economy basically needs to improve the security situation, so that businessmen and investors can work freely.

In a statement to Arraed, Suwan said that the party is looking forward to the upcoming elections and they hope that it will take place on the basis of party lists, noting that he has addressed the House of Representatives to reconsider the parties’ participation, stressing that they will participate either by party lists or by the individual system that allows parties to participate in all cases.

Suwan added that the large attendance of this celebration from various segments calls for optimism for good things, and that it is in the interest of the Libyans to solve a complex crisis such as the Libyan crisis to be handed over to a party that has cadres, advisers and experiences, and not to be left to individuals.

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Lamamra: The possibility of holding elections in Libya is strong.

Al-Urfi: All the observations sent by the commission on the presidential and parliamentary elections laws have been addressed and will be sent tomorrow.