
Al Safrani: The Parliament Elections Law will repeat the same experience of 2014 and is a setback for democracy.

Member of the Supreme Council of State, Abdul Salam Al Safrani, said in a statement to Arraed on Tuesday that the parliament’s approval of the parliamentary elections law using the individual system will unfortunately repeat the same experience of 2014, and is a setback for democracy.

Al-Safrani added that this law is rejected, and that the House of Representatives ignored the political agreement, and Article 23, noting that the session to approve the parliamentary elections law was attended by very few, and there are a number of articles approved by only 20 votes, out of 200 votes.

The member of the council explained that “there are special circumstances that we went through in 2014 that made us accept that the parliament election law is an individual system, but now many parties have been formed, and there is a specialized committee from the Supreme Judicial Council, and there is a law for parties, and the political formation in Libyan society is being formed in parties.”

It is worth noting that Parliament Spokesman Abdullah Belhaq stated that the members of Parliament voted by majority to add an article in the Parliamentary Elections Law that was approved in Monday’s session, stipulating the obligation of the upcoming legislative authority to redistribute seats in all electoral districts, taking into account the latest population census. geographical area; To preserve the rights of the aggrieved constituencies from the current distribution of seats.

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