
As Haftar prepares for the presidential elections … the American judiciary refuses to grant him immunity and PR companies terminate their contracts with him.

As Haftar prepares to run for the presidential elections on December 24th; Events continue and accelerate, but it is against his interest this time, as the American judiciary rejected Haftar’s request to grant him immunity, in addition to the decision of American companies working in the field of PR to terminate their contract with him, with the approval of Congress of the Law to Support the Stability of Libya, which criminalizes anyone involved in undermining stability in the country.

Refusal to grant immunity

The judge in the East Virginia Court rejected Haftar’s lawyer’s request, granting him immunity from the cases brought against him, and ruled that he must appear before the court and oblige him to testify and answer lawyers’ questions

The head of the Libyan-American Alliance, Essam Omeish, confirmed that Haftar’s defense presented texts of Libyan law to convince the judge of the existence of a government memorandum, but the court clearly indicated that neither the government nor the Ministry of Defense submitted any legal memorandum in favor of Haftar’s team.

The Ministry of Defense refute statements made by Haftar’s defense

The Ministry of Defense condemned what was spread on social media regarding a document that Haftar’s defense tried to use to persuade the judge to request immunity, as the Bureau described it as “forged” and that this act is punishable by law, and its perpetrators will be prosecuted.

Congress passes the Stability Act

On the 28th of last September, the US House of Representatives passed the “Libya Stability Support” law, which provides for imposing sanctions on those who contribute to violence in Libya, especially those who cooperate with the Russian military presence or those found guilty of theft and complicity.

American companies terminate their contracts with Haftar

Media outlets have reported the “dissolution of the contract” document between Lanny Davis, Bob Livingston and Khalifa Haftar, which are working to change Haftar’s image with the US administration and drop war charges against him.

And the Wall Street Journal reported on September 18 that Khalifa Haftar had appointed former US officials in a campaign that cost about one million dollars, with the aim of putting pressure on the administration of President Joe Biden to support him in the December elections.

negligence on the part of the national judiciary

Despite the military prosecution’s request to open an investigation with Khalifa Haftar in cases related to war crimes, the National Judiciary, according to observers, did not play its role in the file criminalizing Haftar’s actions, especially his aggression against Tripoli in April 2019.

Written by Journalist

Norland from Rabat: The political process must move forward.

Haftar extends his rebellion against the state, taking advantage of the government’s failure in the security and military files.