
Alsoule to Arraed: We will discuss the Commission’s responses during next session, and holding elections on time is what is important.

Member of Parliament Ali Alsoule said that the Parliament will discuss the responses of the Electoral Commission on the law on the election of the president during the next session devoted to issuing the law on the election of parliament.

In a statement to Arraed, Alsoule stressed that the important thing is to hold presidential and parliamentary elections within four months to get the country out of its quagmire.

It is worth noting that the Electoral Commission sent amendments to some points of the election law to the House of Representatives for the purpose of amending and re-considering them.

Written by Journalist

Al-Jahani to Arraed: The Electoral Commission’s responses to the President’s Election Law are useless.

Egypt and the United States agree on the importance of holding elections in Libya on schedule.