
Al-Jahani to Arraed: The Electoral Commission’s responses to the President’s Election Law are useless.

Member of Parliament, Essam Al-Jehani, considered that the responses of the High Elections Commission to the House of Representatives on the presidential election law are useless.

Al-Jehani added in a statement to Arraed, that adopting these responses requires reconsidering this law and re-voting on it, and this is a precedent that has not occurred before.

Al-Jehani added that the origin of the legislative and presidential elections law is for the House of Representatives to issue in consultation with the State Council, in accordance with the political agreement and the constitutional declaration.

It is worth noting that the Electoral Commission sent amendments to some points of the election law to the House of Representatives for the purpose of amendment and re-consideration.

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Members of Parliament denounce Lavrov’s statements and demand foreign forces to leave the country immediately.

Alsoule to Arraed: We will discuss the Commission’s responses during next session, and holding elections on time is what is important.