
Saeed: We deplore the deafening silence about the file of mass graves in Tarhuna.

Member of Parliament, Abubaker Saeed, from the city of Tarhuna, deplored what he described as the complete silence on the file of mass graves in the city by the competent authorities, and that the city bears the burdens of the disaster alone.

Saeed added, on his official page, that the Search and Identification of Missing Persons Authority suffers from a lack of support, and their work is progressing slowly, due to the lack of capabilities.

Saeed stated that the last gravyard that was discovered was in a difficult place, and it takes great effort to exhume the bodies from it, and the location has not yet been announced.

Saeed confirmed that the people of Tarhuna appealed to the Prime Minister, the Attorney General, the Military Prosecutor, and the Supreme Judicial Council, To stand with the city in its plight, and end this tragedy as soon as possible.

It is worth noting that the General Authority for the Search and Identification of the Missing Persons announced, on Monday, the exhumation of 5 bodies from two graves in the city of Tarhuna, bringing the number of mass graves discovered in the city to more than 30 mass graves so far.

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