
“Kubis” expresses his dissatisfaction with the delay in opening the coastal road.

On Wednesday, the special envoy to Libya, Jan Kubis, during his meeting with the Military Committee (5 + 5) in Sirte, expressed his dissatisfaction with the delay in opening the coastal road, stressing the speedy removal of all obstacles to reopening the road.

Kubis and the committee stressed on the start of withdrawing mercenaries, foreign fighters and foreign forces without further delay, as a decisive measure for the stability of Libya, ensuring its security and unity, and for the stability and security of the entire region.

The committee discussed with the UN envoy the decision to approve the Security Council to authorize the ceasefire monitors and send them and the steps necessary to develop a national plan for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, reform of the security sector and maintaining security and stability towards the national elections on December 24 and during it.

Written by abdal ali

African Website: The increase in flights between Benghazi and Damascus recently indicates the transfer of more mercenaries.

The Ministry of Oil: The Memorandum of Understanding with Turkey will be signed next week.