
Frequent meetings of the Military Committee and the coastal road is still closed, what is the reason?

Since its formation in October last year, the 5 + 5 Military Committee has held several meetings to expel mercenaries from Libya, remove mines, and open and secure the coastal road.

The committee has succeeded in demining efforts after several meetings and continuous work, but so far it has not succeeded in the two most important points, namely removing mercenaries from the country and opening the coastal road, despite the many declarations to open it within two weeks after each meeting.

Frequent promises and attempts

The file of the opening of the coastal road was one of the most important axes of the meetings of the Military Commission, as the committee affirmed various times its promises to open the road within weeks, without success or a deadline.

A permit to open it within two weeks was attached to every meeting held by the Military Committee in Sirte, but the date passes without opening the road for various reasons.

Government meetings

Last Saturday, the First Deputy Prime Minister Hussein Atiya Al-Qatrani met with a number of members of the Military Committee in Benghazi.

They discussed the necessity to expedite the opening of the coastal road after clearing mines and to ensure its safety so that citizens can move, and to facilitate commercial movement between cities.

This meeting was also preceded by the meeting of Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbaiba last month with the delegation of the Military Committee; To discuss securing the coastal road and reopening it again.

Arrangements completed and the road has not yet been opened?

Last month, a member of the subcommittee of the Military Committee (5 + 5), Brigadier General Mohamed Al-Turjuman, confirmed the end of the committee’s duties regarding the opening of the coastal road, and that they are awaiting a subsequent meeting by the Security Arrangements Committee to determine whether the road will open or not.

In the presence of Al Manifi, will he succeed?

Today, in the city of Sirte, a meeting of the Military Committee will be held in the presence of the President of the Presidential Council, Mohamed Al-Manifi, and the UN mission to discuss solving the problems that are still hampering the implementation of the provisions of the Military Committee agreement.

A meeting that is expected to come up with points and understandings that lead to the opening of the coastal road and lift the suffering of the citizens by facilitating their safe movement.

It is not known whether this first meeting of the Presidential Council, as the Supreme Commander, will bear fruit, similar to previous meetings, or will the issue need more time ?!

Written by Journalist

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