
After being prevented from entering Benghazi, Egypt is seeking, in coordination with Russia, to bring Haftar and the Dbaiba government together in Benghazi.

Egyptian sources close to the committee concerned with the Libyan file revealed to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed website about Egyptian moves to hold a meeting between the head of the NUG, Abdul-Hamid Dbaiba, and the commander of the aggression, Haftar, in coordination with Russia.

The sources explained to the site, on Sunday, that the meeting will be held in the coming days in the city of Benghazi, pointing out that Cairo, in light of its recent moves by consolidating its relationship with the Libyan government and its allies, is seeking to be the main player in the Libyan file, in light of the pressure cards it has on Haftar. In order to enable it to take control of the Libyan crisis file.

The Egyptian sources said that Dbaiba expressed his welcome to the Egyptian side for the upcoming meeting between him and Haftar, and that what was recently raised about Egypt supplying Haftar with ammunition did not disturb the relations between Dbaiba and Cairo, in light of the Libyan prime minister’s understanding of what this step is, explaining that it can be said that it was classified under the clause. “not to be discussed,” according to the sources’s expression.

The sources added that Cairo is pressing Haftar as part of strengthening its relationship with the Dbaiba government, not for the sake of the meeting, but to provide assistance for the new government, on top of which is the finalization of the passing of the new budget that the government submitted to the House of Representatives in Tobruk.

The Egyptian sources concluded by declaring that Egypt is currently standing with this government moving forward, in light of many economic agreements that were recently agreed upon between the two countries.

It is worth noting that a number of activists took pictures, on Sunday night, showing the presence of Haftar militias inside Benina airport to prevent the GNU plane landing in it.

Written by abdal ali

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