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A scientific study … Infection with the South African strain of Coronavirus may immunize infected people against other strains.

A scientific study revealed, Sunday, that infection with the South African strain may immunize the infected person against other strains, indicating that the plasma of the people who were infected with it showed “good neutralizing activity against the new mutated first wave viruses of concern.”

According to the study conducted by a scientific team from South Africa, only 4% of the 55 people infected with the “mutated South Africa” ​​strain were unable to overcome their infection with the original strain of Corona virus, according to the Al Jazeera website according to the French newspaper “Le Parisien”.

In the same context, the virologist , “Tulio de Oliveira” said that the South African strain can generate a high level of antibodies capable of neutralizing the virus, and producing an immune response that exceeds that of other mutated strains.

The study proved that the antibodies generated by the mutated South African strain were 100% effective against the Brazilian mutated strain, in a very small sample of 7 patients.

It is worth noting that the National Center for Disease Control announced last Wednesday the discovery of 15 cases of the mutated type of Coronavirus, known as the “South African strain” for the first time in Libya.

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