
Justice and Construction party considers Statements outbidding the role of patriots, including the party, are an attempt to obstruct the political process.

On Sunday, the Justice and Construction Party considered what comes out of some groups from time to time in “televised” statements in which they try to outbid on the role of the patriots, including the party, is an attempt to shuffle the cards, and obstruct the political track, for narrow interests.

In a statement issued by the Media Department, the party added that the attempt by these groups to create regional alignments at a difficult time that does not need more tension, exploiting the names of cities and regions, and trading in revolutionary and patriotic slogans, to achieve benefits based on maintaining the status quo.

The party made it clear that it had a clear role in confronting the aggression, a role witnessed by the real actors, and it is only denied by the ungrateful, according to a statement.

It is worth noting that some bloggers and groups came out with video clips trying to smear the Justice and Construction Party.

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The seizure of a large drug shipment in Egypt, coming from Lebanon to Libya.