
Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed: There is Egyptian-Turkish contact about the Libyan file angered the Emirates.

Private Egyptian sources revealed to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper on Sunday that the Egyptian-Turkish communications at the security and intelligence levels about Libya angered the Emirati side.

The sources told the newspaper that Egypt is angry. Because of the Gulf reconciliation that occurred without taking into account the Egyptian demands and observations, and that Cairo is moving away from the logic of complete surrender to the Emirati and Saudi pressures, in light of the stopping of the two countries’ support for Cairo at all levels, according to the newspaper.

The sources added that Egyptian concerns were evident in the speech of a prominent Egyptian official, who said, “The leaders of the Gulf states will reconcile and Egypt will come out of this round, and it will bear the consequences of the years of estrangement.”

The newspaper said that Egypt and the UAE have begun to exploit the issue of communication with Turkey, within the framework of mutual pressure in light of the difference in their orientations regarding some positions that rise to the point of differences. Because of some of the region’s files, especially the Libyan file.

Last December, a high-level Egyptian delegation visited Tripoli for the first time since 2014, headed by the General Undersecretary of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service, the head of the Egyptian committee concerned with the Libyan file, Major General Ayman Badae.

It is worth noting that the Italian newspaper “De Post International” revealed in mid-December last year, a new direction of Cairo’s policy towards the reconciliation government aimed at preventing the UAE’s incitement of Haftar on a new military adventure.

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