
American Libyan Alliance: Haftar’s lawyers abandon his defense.

The head of the American-Libyan Alliance, Essam Ameish, announced, on Saturday, that the coalition team and the lawyer for Libyan families affected by Haftar’s crimes have received a notification from Haftar’s lawyer that they intend to abandon the mission of his defense For not communicating with them and losing contact with him.

Ameish believed – according to what was published on his official page – that after Haftar’s lawyers, Levin and Engarsky, lost the ability to prove that Haftar is the head of the Libyan state, this means losing hope of obtaining sovereign immunity. Because the chances of his innocence are very weak, he said.

Ameish emphasized that the large number of documented crimes against Haftar are sufficient. To obtain a ruling against him and place him under US law, which made his team of lawyers decide to withdraw.

On September 30, the American-Libyan Alliance revealed that the East Virginia Court in the United States of America had rejected Haftar’s defense lawyers’ pleading regarding the invalidity of the notification regarding the case against Haftar, giving the US State Department 60 days to express an opinion on the charges against him, and the allegations mentioned in the cases filed against him.

Tunisian efforts for a major contribution to the reconstruction of Libya.

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