
Al-Mishri denies holding or coordinating meetings with the support forces outside the country and calls for the integration of these forces into official institutions.

On Friday, the head of the Supreme Council of State, Khaled Al-Mishri, denied the news that he had traveled with some leaders of the support forces, to Turkey, to arrange some meetings, regarding dialogue, considering the news to be unfounded.

Al-Mishri refused, on his Facebook page, holding such meetings outside the country, saying that he is in favor of holding meetings that bring together leaders of the support forces, with the military and political leaders inside Libya, so that their compass is the supreme national interest, as he put it.

Al-Mishri demanded that the support units be integrated into the state’s military, security and civil institutions, stressing that he would not do anything that would lead to a division in the ranks of the armed forces and the supporting forces.

Al-Mishri called on all Libyans to reunite and give priority to the national interest, and also called on all political, military and social actors to work to end the current phase as soon as possible, and to go to elections.

It is worth noting that the President of the State Council, Khaled Al-Mishri, stressed on January 4, during his meeting with members of the Military Committee (5 + 5), that there should be harmony between the political and military tracks, to solve the Libyan crisis.

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