
Al-Raidh: A delegation of Libyan businessmen will visit Egypt in February.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Mohamed Al-Raedh, said in a statement to Arraed Sunday that a delegation of Libyan businessmen will visit Egypt next February, to discuss several important matters with their counterparts and the officials of a number of ministries.

Al-Raedh explained that the case is open to all businessmen to participate. In order to facilitate the Libyan-Egyptian cooperation in several aspects, pointing out that the visit includes sitting with a number of officials, to overcome the difficulties between the two countries in terms of economic and trade cooperation.

It is worth noting that the Joint Egyptian-Libyan Chamber of Commerce signed in February 2019 a cooperation “protocol” with the Egyptian Construction Materials Chamber With the aim of enhancing trade exchange between the two countries in the field of Construction materials, due to the Libyan market’s need for them.

Member of the 5 + 5 Committee, Al-Fitouri Gribel to Arraed: Coordination is underway for the beginning of the withdrawal of military forces from the agreed-upon areas.

Al-Yaqoubi: The advisory committee will hold its first meeting on Monday.